
Bird Automotive Can Replace Your Car’s Dying Alternator

Bird Automotive is the best auto shop in Oak Grove, and we can replace the alternator in your automobile if it is going bad. We are going to list the signs of the faulty alternator below so you know what to look for in your automobile. Bring your vehicle to our shop at the first indication of trouble.

Burning Electricity Odors

The alternator should never generate more than 14.5 volts of electricity. If it generates more than this, it will overload your vehicle’s electrical system. Consequently, the wires will get too hot and heat up the wire insulation. As such, you will smell burning electricity odors coming from the engine.

Dashboard Warning Light

As you will learn if you keep reading, the alternator can cause numerous problems if it is malfunctioning. Consequently, sensors will report errors to the engine control unit. It will recognize that the alternator is the problem and turn on the battery light. Older vehicles may have an ALT or GEN light.

Growling or Squealing Noises

Aside from the dashboard warning, the alternator may also give you an audible warning that it is going bad. This generally comes in the form of a growling sound in the engine. The alternator belt can also have problems, and it will squeal in the engine if it is in trouble.

Hard Starts/Dead Battery

A dying alternator can also make it difficult to get your vehicle started because it can no longer keep the battery charged. When this happens, you will end up having to jump-start the battery frequently. The battery will not retain the charge because the alternator is not recharging it.

Malfunctioning Accessories

You will also start to have problems with your vehicle’s accessories if the alternator is going bad. This can include difficulty adjusting the seats, slow power windows, and a malfunctioning navigation system among other accessories.

Spark Plugs That Misfire

It might seem strange that an alternator can make the engine stall, but it can. The alternator also sends power to the spark plugs so they can generate sparks in the cylinders. If the spark plugs are misfiring and your engine is stalling frequently, the culprit could be the alternator.

Vehicle Light Problems

Finally, you may start to have problems with your vehicle’s lights if the alternator is going bad. If the alternator cannot power the lights adequately, they will be to dim and they may flicker.

Bird Automotive in Oak Grove, MO, would be happy to help, so call us today to schedule a service visit for your automobile.

Photo by djedzura from Getty Images Pro via Canva Pro

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